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Meet Pigs CC

By Evan Stephenson

The very first team to enter StreetWork 12+12 by Revolve24 were the Pigs CC. Who are they and what is their cycling story? We caught up with Evan to find out…..

Who are Pigs CC?

“Pigs CC is a bunch of mates who love riding bikes and don't take things too seriously! Riding in the team is Luke, James, Sam & myself.”

“We've all been riding bikes for years. I introduced James to cycling who in turn introduced Luke to cycling. Us three can be seen riding with the rest of the Pigs in Sydney's north and west.”

“Sam is the fourth member and his love of cycling came separately, but is often the catalyst for the best adventures. Sam's full-time job seems to be giving everyone else bike envy, churning out stunning ride photos of the Southern Highlands and beyond.

All photos are courtesy of Sam Fritz.

What are you looking forward to most for the event?

“We're looking forward to riding in this unique event and seeing how quickly we can get around 80km on the pristine asphalt at Eastern Creek. We've thrown down the gauntlet to a few other riding mates and can't wait. They say cycling is 50% mental and our strategy is to beat them before we even start - with a big lead on the qualifying grid…”

It also looks like we will need to be on toes and be ready for the unexpected. Luke seems to carry a cycling curse - every event he has signed up for has been cancelled due to COVID, torrential rain or road closures following massive rain events. We are quietly confident that we will be provifding Luke with the full event experience, after having run the 2021 edition just after the lockdown with a good COVID protocol! Bring on October 29th and good luck to Pigs CC.

If you want to join Pigs CC on track then click the button:



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