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The Sufferlandrians are on pole!

The grid for StreetWork 12+12 by Revolve24 is shaping up nicely with the Sufferlandrians grabbing pole position as of October 2021. The team that will eventually start from pole on December 4th at Sydney Motorsport Park is still up for grabs though, with Easts Cycling 1 coming up fast.

Here are Hummy, Mark and Sachit from the Sufferlandrians and we caught up with them

to find out more about their cycling story.

“We came together through the Lidcombe Auburn Cycling Club (LACC) who host paceline events at Sydney Olympic Park on Tuesday and Thursdays at 6:00am.

I use the Sufferfest as a training program and the name Sufferlandrian is used in their videos, referring to those of us who enjoy punishment on two wheels. So, we thought it’s just the right choice of name when creativity isn't our strong suit!” said Hummy.

The fourth member of the team is Dmitry who enjoys riding his windsurfer almost as much as riding his bike. Here’s the proof.....

When asked why they had signed up for the event, it was clear that they enjoy riding at Sydney Motorsport Park. Hummy races his motorbike there and Mark has done a few crit races with Waratah there too. So, when Mark heard about StreetWork 12+12 by Revolve24, they were left no choice but to join and participate in this event.

Hummy sums it up really well: “We're all looking forward to tackling those corners without having to worry about road traffic!”

See you on track.

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